Saturday, March 17, 2012

Outback Adventures: the take off!

Hurrah! Tomorrow is the big day! Having booked and paid for everything about two months ago, I managed to pretty much forget that I am actually going on this epic adventure. I know I'm only going for 10 days, but I'm very excited to be off exploring the 'real Australia'!

Leaving the family for my holiday has made me think about when I actually leave to go back home. I'm in the really fortunate position that I've found myself another job with a wonderful sounding family in Belgium starting in August and I've got so much to look forward to, including a jolly little jaunt down the East Coast, continuing my quest to find an Aussie surfer dude to fall in love with me (and therefore offer me full residency. Well a girl can dream, can't she?) However, I'm going to find it really hard to leave them, and I know I will always look back on my year in Australia as one of the best things I ever did.

I have so much to be grateful for to my 'Australian family' who have shown nothing but kindness and generosity, and to my 'home family' for encouraging me and supporting me and putting up with the odd waterworks due to locking myself in Charlotte's room, losing a child at the park etc. etc. via Skype to which my Dad says 'God Grog you look awful! Your nose is all red, you're all snotty!' (Thanks Dad!)

Oh I'm feeling all nostalgic and I can't remember the point of this post now... Anyway, I will keep you all updated on my 950 mile trip to Alice Springs. Got the Kindle charged and I'm ready to go!

Hasta la vista baby! xxxx

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