Friday, June 1, 2012

Goodbye Melbourne!

Today is my last official day as an au pair in Australia! Wow that came about fast! Tomorrow is the first day of my 'East Coast Adventure' and I am feeling an absolute multitude of emotions. I really cannot sum up what the past nine months have meant to me, but man has it been an experience!

When I came to Australia, I honestly didn't know what to expect. I knew going from being a student, just back from the craziness of backpacking around Thailand to looking after four children under the age of six would be a challenge, but what I didn't expect was the amount of love and warmth I received from the Embelton family and the other wonderful people I have met along the way. I also never expected to leave Australia wanting to make childcare a part of my career! (so much for that degree in politics and geography!)

I feel so much has changed me over the past nine months. I've learnt so many invaluable lessons about parenthood and have a whole new level of appreciation for my wonderful parents as I realise from an adult perspective how much sacrifice and selflessness is involved in parenthood. Hopefully my friends and family will see me as matured and more independent than when I left (Lord knows I needed it!) I have absolutely loved my time here and I will be eternally thankful for Lori and James for their love and kindness they have shown me and they are both inspirational people whom I feel blessed to have in my life.

So Goodbye Melbourne, it's been wonderful. I will miss your sporadic weather, your kooky and eclectic fashion sense, and yes, your amazing skinny lattes (extra hot, preferably served by Beautiful Barista Boy) xxxxxxx

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